Monday, November 1, 2010

So How Is Millersville?

I'm starting this blog to force myself to document the progress I have been making as a designer and give other people an opportunity to see my work. Its amazing what one semester at Millersville has done for me as an artist. It isnt any kind of lofty design school but it has challenging deadlines, interesting projects, and knowledgeable professors. After experiences at other schools...thats enough for me. For the rest of this semester Ill be posting projects and sketches from my typography and illustration classes. I can see that I have a long way to go but its the first time Ive had the opportunity to use Adobe programs in class. Ive been focusing on becoming familiar with Illustrator, InDesign, and Photoshop. Feel free to share your thoughts on my work. As a student constructive criticism is always welcome. This is a series of four illustrations based on FDR's four freedoms.

"Freedom of Speech"

"Freedom from Want"

"Freedom from Fear"

"Freedom to Worship"

1 comment:

  1. Emilee I really thought the works of art you put up were thoughtful and interesting. I will do some reading on FDR and the four Freedoms to see what else I can get out of your artworks. The guy at the top of the mountain really caught my eye because it seems that people can say anything from a "mountain top" these days! Keep up the great work! We are so glad you are enjoying Millersville. Hope to see u soon. Love ur sis, Loren
