Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Hello, Dave.

So much work and learning went into this project! I present to you my typography final. Brainstorm and development for this assignment was much more in-depth than in previous projects. The assignment was to invent an ethnic restaurant but I chose to stretch the rules a little and try a post apocalyptic space restaurant. After nailing down my concept I was required to make a mood board and pitch my idea. The mood board is a series of images, colors, and text meant to portray the feeling of the final product. The client either approves or declines it. If approved everything you design from that point on must relate back to the board. We were also required to develop a color logo, a black and white logo, and a take out container. Copies of those may appear in a later post if I can get a hold of the pictures my prof took of the pieces.

Here is the digital copy of the thirteen page spread. I chose to spiral bind the final print although I plan to explore some other binding options. The spiral detracts from the simplicity of the piece and is distracting. As a warning there are a few foods that are mislabeled. I made some last minute changes to the illustration placement. Unfortunately I forgot to move the text too.
If you have the time read the text on the second and third pages to get a better feel of my idea.

The learning curve I experienced this past semester astounds me. I came in without any knowledge of printing, binding, typography, InDesign, or Illustrator. Im so thankful for knowledgeable professors and challenging classmates that helped me get through this transition. I still have so much to learn and I cant wait for my spring semester! 

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